Ssshhh! This is a quiet one...


Happy Hump Day, folks!  I will make this TamTalk!!! very brief!  (I’ll explain why shortly.)


Cell phones, laptops, desktops, tablets, pads, TV, cable, internet, email, blog, reports, log-ins, log-outs, satellite, billboards, magazine ads, commercials, radio, music, talkshows, earplugs, headphones, conversations, noise, Noise, and more NOISE!!! 


Does any of this sound anything like your world?  Well, it sounds like mine much of the time.


When was the last time you shut it down , unplugged, detached, powered off?  Can you even remember?  If you can’t remember, then it is obviously not a part of your daily, weekly or even monthly health and self-maintenance plan. 


Why should it be?  (Just in case you asked)


Unpluggling from the world wide web wave is your opportunity to close your ears, wipe your mind and listen to your heart/soul.  That’s why.  How can we hear our soul’s deepest secrets and heart’s desires when there is cacophony all about us?


Do you really want that 2 for 1 meal deal you just saw on TV or those jeans on the billboard, or do you really like the song/show that is playing?  If not, then take a break from the junk food that should be for an occasional treat instead of part of your daily diet. 


When we take the time to shut down the noise, turn of the devices, and tune in, we open ourselves to our own unique blend and brand of being.  That is our endless well of creativity for ourselves, our relationships, our work, our art of living.


So, I said I was going to make this brief, right?   Why?  Because I am going to shut it down and unplug to savor the succulence of my own sacred silence and quiet time.  No extra poems, no videos, nothing but quiet for a moment…


How about you?

As always,

Be joyful,

Be creative,

Be inspired,



P.S.  Share your reflections and ideas below about how you creatively find “quiet time” for yourself.  What has been the result of it?  Has it worked for you?   If  TamTalk!!! inspires you, share with family, friends, and fellow artists quietly.  (Smiles)